Linking animal models and mood disorder symptoms through cortico-striatally regulated avoidance and reward-seeking behaviour


Ryan Tomm and Brandon Forys from Rebecca Todd's lab will be presenting findings from a collaborative project between researchers in the Mental Health and Addictions integrated research program:  "Linking animal models and mood disorder symptoms through cortico-striatally regulated avoidance and reward-seeking behaviour" Online via Zoom: Meeting ID: 574 796 6049 Passcode: 052059

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Round Table: Cluster Member Introductions & Research Plans

DMCBH Room 3402 2215 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver

This month, the Mental Health and Addictions IRP will be having a round table where each group member introduces themselves, an overview of their research, and their hopes and dreams for future collaborative research. Zoom link if unable to attend in person: Meeting ID: 574 796 6049 Passcode: 052059

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Neuroscience Research Colloquium

The Neuroscience Research Colloquium (NRC), is a series of lectures featuring local and international neuroscientists.